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Testing and Issues

You can test this entry and submit issues during the testing period of the TON Trustless Bridge Challenge contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


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Solid implementation! Expedient gas, block is used as tx_proof (ok).
First of all, a great work! Learned from it.

Some notes. Not the major ones, but anyway.

Uses additional `callback` param in lite-client's `check_block` message to simplify transaction-checker. Not sure if it's allowed or not.

`verify_block_signatures` doesn't check if the same signature is used multiple times. So in theory it is possible to achieve any required total weight having only one valid signature.

Transaction-checker silently accepts all bounced messages, so if associated lite-client failed to verify block, excesses will be accumulated on transaction-checker smc.
Gas consumption:
When you parse label of `HashmapAug` you generate new cell.
Creating new cell is one of the most expensive operation. It consumes 518 unit of gas
Daring Yak Feb 8 at 22:56
I agree with this, I didn't have time to do it better, but I never encountered hml_same in all the blocks that I tested
1) In Transaction-checker you ignore `current_block` and send to lite-client contract transaction proof and then get it back. In common cases transaction proof will have many cells, because we go though account and lt aug-dictionaries.

Sending many cells is pretty expensive operation.

It's better to have block proof.

2) In Transaction-checker you ignore bounced messages. It's better to return change to original sender.
extract_merkle_proof doesn't seem to validate that the merkle_proof's hash corresponds to the data it contains. The hash in a merkle proof cell can't be trusted on its own
Daring Yak Feb 7 at 15:28
We don't need to check that the hash value in Merkle Proof cell matches the hash of the child cell of this proof, because the node itself does it for us.
@Daring Yak
Can confirm, nevermind my comment :)
`prev_key_block == ctx_current_seq_no` is good check.
But `ctx_current_epoch_until == next_utime_since` is not good because:
1) `utime_since` can be shifted
2) We should consequently add mc key blocks without gaps. In current epoch currently known validators have power. In next epoch currently known validators may have no majority.
Daring Yak Feb 8 at 22:24
Not every key block signifies a new epoch. For example, on the testnet, every extra currency mint is a key block, and synchronizing each one in the bridge would be very expensive. Furthermore, since the end of an epoch can shift, that's why i'm checking either the block is the next key block following the currently saved one, OR it is a key block from the end of the current epoch.

In addition, validators usually change keys every epoch, so the previous epoch will not be able to validate a new block, even if the set of validators remains unchanged.
In function `check_block` in lite-client contract you don't check that the block in from currently known epoch. In current epoch currently known validators have power. In prev/next epoch currently known validators may have no majority.
Replay on `Daring Yak Feb 8 at 22:56`
I faced with it. Block 27746819, account 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, lt 30931344000003.,8000000000000000,27746819)
Just ordinary block.
Daring Yak Feb 8 at 23:19
Thank you, I will fix this
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