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Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the iOS Chart contest.
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Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
by rating
Filtering the third graph is critically slow when zoomed out. Sloppy when scrolling the first two graphs vertically after zooming them out. Otherwise speed is above average+. Bonus goal implemented+
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 12.1

Application becomes unresponsive when tapping on column visibility buttons. Long tap does not work.
iPhone 5s / iOS 12.2
Percent values for day doesn't match.
The exact same day has different percents in area chart and in pie chart.
It differ for 3 point for some items:
Oranges: 29% → 26%
The exact same day has different percents in area chart and in pie chart.
It differ for 3 point for some items:
Oranges: 29% → 26%
iPhone X / 12.2
Selector line in bar charts appears/disappears in full zoomed out state, when moving finger.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
12 Oct, Mango value is 3010. After zooming in, the date is still the same - 12 Oct, but if we check out the value of mango it is 5250. Only one of them is correct, try to guess which one.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
Whole chart cell disappear on chart hiding animation :(
1. Tap on info view to show chart
2. Tap on back before appear animation completed
1. Tap on info view to show chart
2. Tap on back before appear animation completed
iPhone X / 12.2
Different values for the same day in area chart for zoom in (area) and zoom out (pie) modes.
iPhone 7 Plus / 12.2
Nice try with the Y animations, but they are not as accurate as the animation video sample provided by designers. 195 (the value that is leaving) is doing it in between 90 and 136, which does not exactly match the logic that was supposed to be implemented. Another problem is that the point on the graph is moving faster and for a moment gets separated from the graph.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
Animations of y labels are wrong. They should start from current context, so lower values from bottom, higher from top. Here they go from one random side.
Also, graph animation is soooo slow.
Also, graph animation is soooo slow.
iPhone SE
Range control top and bottom edges disappear
1. Choose night theme
2. Scroll down to hide first chart from screen
3. Change theme back to day
4. Scroll back to first chart
5. Range control under first chart has no borders on the top and bottom edges
1. Choose night theme
2. Scroll down to hide first chart from screen
3. Change theme back to day
4. Scroll back to first chart
5. Range control under first chart has no borders on the top and bottom edges
iPhone X / iOS 12.2
Incorrect Y range and strange bar scaling
all these issues are insignificant tho
Great app, congrats :) I used your app myself as a guide to how to do stuff :D you shouldve take the first place in contest 1
all these issues are insignificant tho
Great app, congrats :) I used your app myself as a guide to how to do stuff :D you shouldve take the first place in contest 1
iphone 6 12.1.4
Multi-touch not supported in range control selector.
Can't grab and move another side of the selector while first one under the finger.
Yeah, it wasn't any requirements about it, but iPhone was built with multitouch support from the ground and this issue looks not user friendly and wierd.
Can't grab and move another side of the selector while first one under the finger.
Yeah, it wasn't any requirements about it, but iPhone was built with multitouch support from the ground and this issue looks not user friendly and wierd.
iPhone X / 12.2
Range control remains interactive after chart zooming.
1. Start interacting with range control.
2. Keep your finger on it.
3. Tap on info view to zoom chart.
4. Move finger to any direction.
5. Tap to "Zoom out"
Result: range control hasn't state it has before "zoom in" transition. Has position it had before finger was touch up.
1. Start interacting with range control.
2. Keep your finger on it.
3. Tap on info view to zoom chart.
4. Move finger to any direction.
5. Tap to "Zoom out"
Result: range control hasn't state it has before "zoom in" transition. Has position it had before finger was touch up.
iPhone X / 12.2
Chart isn't taking whole space for scale: Min value isn't placed at bottom chart edge and Max value isn't placed at top edge
iPhone 6s / iOS 12.2
When applying filter a part of Y axis lines are animating while the other part is staying at place. It's mathematically wrong. Also lines are moving in wrong (opposite) direction.
iPhone 6s / iOS 12.2
Wrong slider behavior (it resumes not from the grab point) when dragging through it and then going back
iPhone 6s / iOS 12.2
animation issue on pie chart leads to blinking line effect once unclick content type. most visible for unclicking pre-last one.
7 Plus / 12.2
Major issue: 41 fps on iPhone 5S during 1st chart scaling, 42 fps on iPhone 6+. For more details read my comments about performance of entry213.
Different width of bars during selection. It may indicate that this contestant uses only integer values for drawing. Not only the UX is suffering, but also it gives this contestant a major advantage in performance over other participants.
iPhone 6+, iOS 11.2
Line and tooltip shakes and flashes. Also tooltip always change its position from left to right and vice versa, but I don't change my finger position.
iPhone Xs, iOS 12.2
Yellow chart labels change its position from right to left when blue chart is disabled. It's very strange idea.
iPhone Xs, iOS 12.2
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