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Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the iOS Chart contest.
Install .ipa files via AltStore
Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
by rating
— Applying filters to the third graph feels laggy (the attached video #1).
— The app is slow when filtering Apples in the last graph.
— Lower bound values are below the X-axis (the attached screenshot #2).
— The app is slow when filtering Apples in the last graph.
— Lower bound values are below the X-axis (the attached screenshot #2).
iPhone 6s, iOS 12.0.2
# All charts
- Y lines can sometimes disappear for good, and nothing brings them back but restarting the app. No concrete scenario, it just happens sometimes. (y_lines_disappeared.MP4)
- Algorithm, which finds optimal Y values and step between them is pretty naive and sometimes leads to underutilized space (empty_spaces.jpeg)
- Leftmost date gets clipped. (clipped_left_date.jpg)
- On small scale there can be only a couple of y lines. (2_y_lines.jpeg)
# Chart 3
- You can select a bar in bar chart that is not on screen. (bar_beyond_screen.MP4)
- Y lines can sometimes disappear for good, and nothing brings them back but restarting the app. No concrete scenario, it just happens sometimes. (y_lines_disappeared.MP4)
- Algorithm, which finds optimal Y values and step between them is pretty naive and sometimes leads to underutilized space (empty_spaces.jpeg)
- Leftmost date gets clipped. (clipped_left_date.jpg)
- On small scale there can be only a couple of y lines. (2_y_lines.jpeg)
# Chart 3
- You can select a bar in bar chart that is not on screen. (bar_beyond_screen.MP4)
Big chart is not scaled vertically when you turn on/off some filters (small one does though)
iPhone 6+, iOS 11.2
Cool app. Two small bugs (see on video)
- When we return from the zoom, the date range remains old
- On percentage chart tooltip - when hiding series, them percent in tooltip are incorrect (73% Apples etc)
- When we return from the zoom, the date range remains old
- On percentage chart tooltip - when hiding series, them percent in tooltip are incorrect (73% Apples etc)
iPhone X, iOS 12
Multi-touch not supported in range control selector.
Can't grab and move another side of the selector while first one under the finger.
Yeah, it wasn't any requirements about it, but iPhone was built with multitouch support from the ground and this issue looks not user friendly and wierd.
Can't grab and move another side of the selector while first one under the finger.
Yeah, it wasn't any requirements about it, but iPhone was built with multitouch support from the ground and this issue looks not user friendly and wierd.
iPhone X / 12.2

>Thanks, I got steps: Turn on Slo-mo mode. Zoom in chart. Tap zoom out. During the animation you should quickly tap on chart, then on details view. As a result - charts are missing.
However, I did it without slo-mo mode. No cheating here.
However, I did it without slo-mo mode. No cheating here.
IPhoneX iOS 12.2
On first touch down and moving range selector, it jumps instead of smoothly moving. Its the way UIPanGestureRecognizer works by default, to make it smooth from the beginning you have to pull some tricks.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
Not cool that chart is drawn above max y-line. Also big chart can’t be zoomed and scrolled by gestures. But your app is best in this contest. Thumbs up!
If i understand correctly y scaled graphs, they should not be affected by each other. But you graphs scale when hide one of them.
iPhone SE
Congratulations! Your performance is the best among all the contestants! 60 fps on iPhone 5 - it is unbelievable. I appreciate your work very much. Still, there are some minor issues.
Does not support iOS 8. Telegram does.
Does not support iOS 8. Telegram does.
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