Primary Focus for our GIFs in Parak Academy was highest possible quality and lowest file size; Which is obvious from the GIFs. We collaborated as a team and uploaded all our GIFs to Parak Academy channel. I , like all the other members of our channel, followed a consistent style.
*We Printed All emojis in a paper and noted best scenes' time under each emoji:*We studied all emojis from different sources and created a PDF file with explanations of each emoji, in order not to get confused by their similarity. (sample page is attached): judges: checking other contestants entry and leaving feedback ( is a very tedious and time consuming process. BUT it's not the only issue. It provokes anger and down vote in my entry from others if I mention any issue in their work. We decided to go through all the gifs, but as I said, it comes with a price. I hope judges take this into account !