
Open Website
WARNING! Clicking "Open Website" will launch a third-party app, use at your own risk. We do not recommend logging in with your main account.

Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the JavaScript Contest, Stage 2 contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


by rating


Fair Mammoth Mar 31, 2020 at 12:55
Transferred size: 306KB. Небольшой размер приложения. В целом, удалось сохранить высокую скорость работы после внедрения новой функциональности, за исключением скорости разворачивания третьей колонки и вкладки стикеров (приложение теряет в производительности, если во вкладке открыт набор анимированных стикеров). Оптимизирован первый запуск и время открытия чатов.

Конкурсное задание выполнено практически полностью – поддержаны многие типы медиа и анимации, высокая скорость реализации поиска, однако не реализована возможность скачивать файлы. Работа почти полностью соответствует предоставленному дизайну, однако ползунок прокрутки везде дублируется, медиа во вкладе Shared смаргивают при первом открытии, не хватает прогресс-баров загрузки для вкладки общих медиа. Не работает прочтение только что полученных сообщений в закреплённых чатах. Незаконченная работа над вкладкой участников в Shared Media групп приводит к отображению бесконечного прогресса-бара при открытии вкладки.

К сожалению, не были учтены замечания к экрану входа по итогам первого этапа конкурса.

Другие недостатки:

– При двойном нажатии на фото приложение невозможно использовать до обновления страницы – из-за появляющейся подложки просмотрщика;
– Смаргивает список сообщений при переходе между чатами;
– При выборе чата из поиска фон может пропадать на несколько секунд;
– Могут появляться даты без сообщений в списке чатов;
– Не реализовано отображение эмодзи Apple на других платформах;
– Проблемы с вёрсткой – имя накладывается на 'Forwarded Message' в группах;
– При отправке сообщений не проматывает историю в конец.
– При ответе эмодзи и стикерами на текст пропадает подложка ответа;
– При выделении сообщений в чате копируется всё содержимое страницы, при попытке вставить скопированное ломается поле ввода;

Отметим значительное количество внедрённой дополнительной функциональности – контекстное меню, поддержка опросов, реализованные экраны контактов, архива и избранных сообщений (стоит поправить отображение аватарки для этого чата).


Transferred size при первом старте: 304KB
Transferred size после перезагрузки страницы для залогиненного аккаунта: 485KB
macOS 10.15.3, Chrome 80.0.3987
When I AutoFill the "Phone Number" entry at login, it enters my number into both "Country" & "Phone number" entries.

Expected behavior: Automatically enter 'Country Name' upon Autofilling the Phone Number.
Chrome 78 / ChromeOS
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 12:21
Thank you for your report!
Deleted Account Feb 18, 2020 at 13:43
Double scroll at the right bar. Empty space in the dialogue if you sent a sticker. No emojies. No media players. Cant send message with enter. Bad media animation back and chat layout. If i have image in bubble, message-content background is long, looks ugly. No message popups with edit, copy, etc. Bug sticker reply. No names/avatar colors. Too little functionality.
Chrome, Win10
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 13:59
Thank you for your report! Could you please provide me additional information/screenshots about some of the following issues:

> No emojies.

Emojis should be supported. For example, there's an enlarged emoji on your second screenshot.

> Cant send message with enter.

This is intended behavior. You can send messages with Ctrl-Enter, just pressing Enter adds a new line.

> If i have image in bubble, message-content background is long, looks ugly.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, please provide a screenshot.

> No names/avatar colors. 

This matches the design mockups (see the attached image). All names are in blue.

> Too little functionality.

Please be more specific. All features required by the contest task are implemented.
Deleted Account Feb 18, 2020 at 13:57
Audio's does not work, no bottom strickers panel. Cannot download files/docs.
Chrome, Win10
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 14:03
The bottom tab panel for stickers is actually working, but it shows only the stickersets with a thumb image (tabs without those thumbs should still be clickable).

I'm still not sure how to handle the case when its missing (if you know how, an advice would be helpful!).
Deleted Account Feb 18, 2020 at 14:03
>>> Emojis should be supported. For example, there's an enlarged emoji on your second screenshot.
>>> I'm not sure what you're referring to, please provide a screenshot.

Ok, more screens
Chrome, Win10
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 14:09
Thank you! Although I'm still a bit confused: on your first screenshot you're clearly pointing to some emojis, which are correctly displayed.

There's nothing "ugly" with the second screenshot either (but, of course, link should've been highlighted and truncated). I suppose ugliness is a subjective term :)
Deleted Account Feb 18, 2020 at 14:13
What about message caching? Dialogs are constantly reloaded. That is, you need to download the history again and again.
Chrome, Win10
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 14:19
This client does not store anything locally, except for auth information and recent search results.

In my personal opinion, this approach is better suited for a web version, as users usually don't expect web pages to use an excessive amount of disk space for caches.
Deleted Account Feb 18, 2020 at 14:24
>>> In my personal opinion, this approach is better suited for a web version, as users usually don't expect web pages to use an excessive amount of disk space for caches.

Facebook, Vkontakte, Discord, etc, everyone uses cache. They probably know exactly how best. Just to implement it you need to spend time that you did not spend. If user loading were not an important part, then the small size of the application would not be required.
Chrome, Win10
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 14:30
I don't think any of the social networks you mentioned actually cache messages in their web versions (as far as I know, they rely only on the standard browser static content caching, which is not really applicable here).

However, arguing about different design choices is probably an offtopic here.
Deleted Account Feb 18, 2020 at 14:35
>>> I don't think any of the social networks you mentioned actually cache messages in their web versions
You do not need to think, go to the discord, this is the same web messenger as telegram. Very popular ;) Look, check, don't think.
Locally available data, so highest speed, easy to maintain.

That's all, I finished, just if you didn’t do something, just say what you didn’t, and don’t start proving stupid things.
Chrome, Win10
Hip Hyena Feb 18, 2020 at 14:41
Saying that I decided not to store anything locally is the first thing I did.

You're now using some expressions which sound a bit aggressive and rude. Lets keep this discussion more civil, if possible.
> I'm still not sure how to handle the case when its missing (if you know how, an advice would be helpful!).

You can request first sticker from each sticker pack. You can check in my solution
Google Chrome, Windows
Nathan Hellwich Feb 19, 2020 at 08:20
Microsoft Edge does not display anything.
The page is blank.
PC / Microsoft Edge / Win 10
Hip Hyena Feb 19, 2020 at 17:58
That's unfortunate. Thank you for the report!
Deleted Account Feb 19, 2020 at 20:51
Cannot open a dialog.
Hip Hyena Feb 23, 2020 at 18:54
Thank you for your report!
No sanitize paste html content (select content of any website, copy, then paste to message input)
Google Chrome / MacOS
Hip Hyena Feb 23, 2020 at 18:54
Thank you for your report!
SIgn-in page: When country dropdown is open, clicking the dropdown button on the right is expected to close the dropdown.
I can close it only with Esc or by clicking outside the field.
Chrome / Windows
All messages in a chat are shown as read. and skips to the last sent. But very good and faster, faster, faster. Good job!
Google Chrome / Windows 10
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