WARNING! Clicking "Open Website" will launch a third-party app, use at your own risk. We do not recommend logging in with your main account.
Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Javascript Contest, Stage 1 contest.
Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
#issue9230 May be weeks of hardwork can go to nowhere because of tiny bug :(
Bug with a updateAuthorizationState confirmation: session will not be started if user id data received from worker API early than confirmation code http request finishes (server will not start the session than).
I think it can be API bug, but fix is possible.
Fix in a couple of lines of course already done.
fixed version available here:
p.s. there was no bug locally, when I tested application. Sadly, it can be the end of contest for me, if it's no way to upload the fix.
Look for the fixed version, please, Thank You!
Bug with a updateAuthorizationState confirmation: session will not be started if user id data received from worker API early than confirmation code http request finishes (server will not start the session than).
I think it can be API bug, but fix is possible.
Fix in a couple of lines of course already done.
fixed version available here:
p.s. there was no bug locally, when I tested application. Sadly, it can be the end of contest for me, if it's no way to upload the fix.
Look for the fixed version, please, Thank You!
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by rating
Критичная ошибка при авторизации не позволяет работе занять призовые места. Анимация мартышки слишком замедлена.
Google Chrome 78.0.3904, macOS 10.15.2

15 mb of code was transferred only on login page; layout does not exactly match design; ripple effect is not implemented on button click; waited for a minute after authorization, but chats was not loaded
+ Phone number format is actually very good. Too bad you don't have data for all countries.
+ For autocomplete country not only by name, but by code too.
- Up/down icon is not clickable
+ For autocomplete country not only by name, but by code too.
- Up/down icon is not clickable
So what I saw:
can't logon to chat by main link, but logged success in fixed version.
+ smooth animations, loaders
+ nice scrollbars
+ instant load
+ nicely animated monkey video 😂
+ pretty field placeholder animations
+ responsive layout
+ country search works for country code and letters
+ country search supports arrow keys to select
+ auto-set country by phone code
+ mute button works
+ message send works
+ unread messages count, realtime update
+ good messages layout
- no chat search
- chat info panel is empty
- chat history not available on scroll
- no chat bubble arrow shadow
- no photos and chat images
can't logon to chat by main link, but logged success in fixed version.
+ smooth animations, loaders
+ nice scrollbars
+ instant load
+ nicely animated monkey video 😂
+ pretty field placeholder animations
+ responsive layout
+ country search works for country code and letters
+ country search supports arrow keys to select
+ auto-set country by phone code
+ mute button works
+ message send works
+ unread messages count, realtime update
+ good messages layout
- no chat search
- chat info panel is empty
- chat history not available on scroll
- no chat bubble arrow shadow
- no photos and chat images
Macbook 2015, Chroms, OSX Mojave
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