

Lavender Blizzard

Testing and Issues

You can test this entry and submit issues during the testing period of the Theme Design Contest contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


by rating


>Well, actually I tried to submit 3 themes on 15th of October. 

But this is a violation of the rules of the contest. Themes had to be done specifically for the contest on deadline time. You can't just take and upload those themes that you created earlier. This is at least not fair, because you had any time to create them, but the rest had only 2 weeks, and as a maximum - these are violations of the rules of the contest (if I understand correctly).

What is the point of the contest, if people like me, who made the themes specifically for the contest for a limited period, have to compete with those who made the themes before the contest and who had unlimited time for this? It is just pointless.
Really like the Firewatch theme even though it's a bit aggressive on the colors. But well matched colors anyway. However, what's up with that blue color for current chat selection? Seems a bit out of place.
Telegram for Mac OS v5.8
Big Gnat Oct 21, 2019 at 23:50
The latest TG update broke down some parts of my themes(some variables were renamed and a couple of new ones added). I'll gladly set/update the the newly added variables when allowed :)
How did you manage to do 2 additional themes for 2 OS a day before the deadline (because the message about what can be done up to 5 themes instead of the 1st one appeared less than a day before the deadline)? This is ABSOLUTELY impossible. I have quite reasonable suspicions that these themes are simply taken from the Internet and slightly changed for participation in the contest.

P.S. Sorry for my English
Big Gnat Oct 22, 2019 at 17:48
Well, actually I tried to submit 3 themes on 15th of October. Then I figured out that it only accepted the first theme link only.
I pinged a couple of TG Admins with the question if I can submit multiple links. I wasn’t the only one who asked them :) After a while they allowed to submit 5 links.

Originally I planned to use phone numbers of my friends to submit the other 2 themes.

Hope makes sense.


Ps I see you posted the same message to some other participants :)
Deleted Account Oct 22, 2019 at 02:44
Invite all the creators of the themes to join in the chat. We will communicate and create new themes 👉
Not bad 👍🏻
iOS/iPhone SE
Big Gnat Oct 25, 2019 at 00:00
Thank you! Still feel bad for those broken variables on macos, though. +1 for you too
Deleted Account Oct 25, 2019 at 01:27
Ну... неплохо, наверное) Хотя цвета мне не очень нравятся.
Very good theme but the background of the count of unmute chats should be the same color as the navigation bar. Anyway, for me your theme is best in comparison to the others. I hope you win
Big Gnat Oct 31, 2019 at 13:47
Thank you for checking out my themes. Even in the default classic theme these colors are different.

I’m already planning to submit some fixes as soon as I can but these badges are gonna stay the way they currently are. I might try to experiment with colors though.
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