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Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the iOS Chart contest.
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Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
by rating
Slightly sloppy on scrolling the first two graphs maxed out, but overall good performance. Bonus goal is implemented. The crash is regrettable, but a good app otherwise.
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 12.1

1. Scroll down to 4th chart
2. Highlight some bars
3. Tap on Pears on previous chart
Sorry, mate...
1. Scroll down to 4th chart
2. Highlight some bars
3. Tap on Pears on previous chart
Sorry, mate...
IPhoneX, iOS 12.2
1. Scrolling and switching theme makes dates have wrong background color.
2. Zoom out button text color and arrow color on the left are different.
2. Zoom out button text color and arrow color on the left are different.
iPhone 6 12.1.4
100% label got shrunk for some reason. I tnink that’s because I long pressed two filters at the same time
— The app is slow when scrolling and filtering simultaneously (the attached video).
— Vertical scrolling doesn't work unless you aim outside the slider.
— The app supports iOS 12+ only.
— Vertical scrolling doesn't work unless you aim outside the slider.
— The app supports iOS 12+ only.
iPhone 5s, iOS 12.1
# Chart 3
- When changing the max, the y labels sometimes get different colors, although 0 always stays the same color. Cannot reproduce all the time, it's something to do with night/day mode switching.
- When changing the max, the y labels sometimes get different colors, although 0 always stays the same color. Cannot reproduce all the time, it's something to do with night/day mode switching.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
Switching theme makes tooltip disappear everywhere except pie chart.
p.s. overall the app is real good i love it, transitions are really cool and it works smooth <3
p.s. overall the app is real good i love it, transitions are really cool and it works smooth <3
iPhone 6 12.1.4
Multi-touch not supported in range control selectol.
Can't grab and move another side of the selector while first one under the finger.
Yeah, it wasn't any requirements about it, but iPhone was built with multitouch support from the ground and this issue looks not user friendly and wierd.
Can't grab and move another side of the selector while first one under the finger.
Yeah, it wasn't any requirements about it, but iPhone was built with multitouch support from the ground and this issue looks not user friendly and wierd.
iPhone X / 12.2
# All charts
- (1) When zooming into graphs, the first day starts with 3:00 and the last ends with 2:00 of the day that should not even be there, clearly it should start where the first day starts (0:00 and the last day ends - 23:00 or 00:00 of next day). (oops, I think I gave away my current timezone). I think you tried to optimize and use the smaller json, but if you do so, please make sure that you get the correct range. And the last point is also too inset into the viewport, it should be more to the right.
- (2) Dates label on top of the chart does not represent neither the visible range, nor higlightable range. Example - video below, 29dec - 3Feb says the dates label, but on the left you can select 28 Dec, and on the right - 5 Feb.
- (3) When slider is at minimal range, the inner angles get rounded in a weird way
- (4) Rounding of values could be nicer to avoid values like 30.2k and so on.
- (5) Sometimes, lines that represent y values disappear, I think only in Night mode, but still, not cool.
- (1) When zooming into graphs, the first day starts with 3:00 and the last ends with 2:00 of the day that should not even be there, clearly it should start where the first day starts (0:00 and the last day ends - 23:00 or 00:00 of next day). (oops, I think I gave away my current timezone). I think you tried to optimize and use the smaller json, but if you do so, please make sure that you get the correct range. And the last point is also too inset into the viewport, it should be more to the right.
- (2) Dates label on top of the chart does not represent neither the visible range, nor higlightable range. Example - video below, 29dec - 3Feb says the dates label, but on the left you can select 28 Dec, and on the right - 5 Feb.
- (3) When slider is at minimal range, the inner angles get rounded in a weird way
- (4) Rounding of values could be nicer to avoid values like 30.2k and so on.
- (5) Sometimes, lines that represent y values disappear, I think only in Night mode, but still, not cool.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
# All charts (continued)
- (6) No spaces betweeen digits in values view, 1000000 instead of 1 000 000.
- (7) No separators under and above charts as the design requires. Pretty easy to "tableView.separatorStyle = .none", try to hide separators only where they need to be hidden ;)
- (8) Line charts get clipped in the bottom left and top right corners.
- (9) Minor. Switching nigt mode on while scrolling stops the table.
- (6) No spaces betweeen digits in values view, 1000000 instead of 1 000 000.
- (7) No separators under and above charts as the design requires. Pretty easy to "tableView.separatorStyle = .none", try to hide separators only where they need to be hidden ;)
- (8) Line charts get clipped in the bottom left and top right corners.
- (9) Minor. Switching nigt mode on while scrolling stops the table.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
Selection circles keep the color of the last displayed theme. Not sure what happened to the bottom one though.
Selection circle jumps to the next value below the screen, while the info stays on the last value in range.
In addition to the last point: it is actually possible to select value below the displayed minimum (240 and 274 on the video)
Just to clarify on the bar chart selection case while I’m still here: on the video 7:00 is partially visible, and I’m totally ok with being able to select it, but I was able to select 8:00, which was fully out of screen bounds. Great work overall, wouldn’t mind losing to you.

This work is brilliant!
The only downside I see is ugly Y values, but it was beyond requirements anyway.
The only downside I see is ugly Y values, but it was beyond requirements anyway.
Can’t move information view while finger is outside of chart. It is common iOS pattern to continue interacting with control even touch is outside of control frame Try to play with UISlider for example.
Iphone x 12.1
Hey, was just curious about the crash.
You just have to scroll the stacked bar chart until u cannot see it and its minichart, then click any filter. Not connected with values highlighting. Hope this helps since it means that it's probably about cell reusage.
You just have to scroll the stacked bar chart until u cannot see it and its minichart, then click any filter. Not connected with values highlighting. Hope this helps since it means that it's probably about cell reusage.
minimum point on chart is clipped. Looks like minY and maxY are calculated within the main frame of chart only, not including new spaces to the left and to the right
Major issue: date labels animation is not smooth at all, they are updated on integer positions only. Thus UX is suffering and this contestant gains advantage in performance over other participants
Major issue 45 fps during 1st chart scaling on iPhone 5S. On iPhone 6+ performance is usually worse, but I don't have one with iOS 12. For more details read my comments about performance of entry213.
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