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Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the iOS Chart contest.

Install .ipa files via AltStore

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


by rating


Slow on start, low FPS when changing time range.
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 12.1
Designs are wrong
iphone 6 12.1.4
Poor performance on scaling
iphone 6 12.1.4
Sergey Dikovitsky Apr 18, 2019 at 14:28
Poor performance.
iPhone 5s / iOS 12.2
No ALL row on the stacked bar chart tooltip

+ on all the charts is hard to place the tooltip, you have to tap on the exact point? or move the finger. Anyway, doesnt get place on touch
Edge points of the charts are cut off
iphone 6 12.1.4
Frame rate drop when using both trimmer handles at the same time
iphone 6 12.1.4
Last bars are not visible
Zooming in out causes y axis values to overlap
iphone 6 12.1.4
Pie charts animations are not working, values are rotated on the circle -> hard to read
iphone 6 12.1.4
Zooming in zooms onto wrong dates
iphone 6 12.1.4
Pie chart is not respecting trimming/scrolling
Tooltip on zoomed charts shows disclosure indicator
iphone 6 12.1.4
— Long tap on checkbox buttons doesn't work
— Pie chart doesn't respond to taps
— Y-scale animation starts only after the user did end touching the screen (sometimes the whole chart disappears because of this, see 1st screenshot)
— 3rd chart badge has no 'Total' row (see 2nd screenshot)
— Graphs on main chart and graphs on scroll bar have same line width (according to designer screenshots, main graphs should be 2 times wide)
iPhone 5S / iOS 12.0
Fair Quokka Apr 27, 2019 at 12:49
– The design does not comply with the guidelines.
– The app is slow when scaling the charts.
– The lines are cut in the upper bound values (please kindly see the attached video).
iPhone 6S, iOS 12.0.2
Extra axis line on double axis chart
iphone 6 12.1.4
Does not support iOS 8. Telegram does.
Major issue: does not support iOS 10.
Critical issue: does not support iOS 11.
iPhone 6+, iOS 11.2
Critical issue: line width is A LOT thinner than it needs to be by design. Beware: it is not some inaccuracy in design, it is made intentionally in order to achieve HUGE advantage in performance over other participants (if it uses Core Animation) or hide line drawing artefacts (if it uses Metal).
iPhone 5S, iOS 12.2
Major issue: glitches after filter toggle
iPhone 5S, iOS 12.2
4 fps during 1st chart scaling on iPhone 5S. Definitely, not Metal :)
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