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Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Data Clustering Contest contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.




Please put all the files from the submission folder /models to the same folder tgnews/models. There should be 4 pre-trained neural networks with *.hdf5 dimension and 2 pre-trained word vector models: glove.6B.100d.txt and - the latter should be downloaded from
Thank you in advance, this should fix all errors.
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by time


Fair Leopard Dec 12, 2019 at 16:44
We had to fix the following issues before running the algorithm and will apply relevant penalties during the final scoring:
- no tgnews binary in the root folder;
- invalid output format, removed logs from stdout
Stylish Elk Dec 12, 2019 at 19:18
Thank you for fixing these issues!
It would be great to have my pretrained neural network models uploaded in folder models. I have had these .hdf5 files in submission)
In top

JSON decoding failed with error: Syntax error

Logger: ranking news groups by their importance in ../../sampledata_en/ directory
PM to judjes, respectfully: unfortunately I did not make this part,
The naive approach seems pretty straightforward - just rank by the number of publications in group, use category and source as categorical features
Fair Leopard Feb 6, 2020 at 16:03
In our preliminary tests, this submission received the following scores (out of 100):

Languages: 98
News EN: 0
News RU: 0
Categories EN: 0
Categories RU: 0
Threads EN: 0
Threads RU: 0

Unfortunately, this submission didn't get a high enough score for the final task (top news) to be evaluated.

This is not the final result, please stay tuned for updates. We apologize for the delay.
Fair Leopard Feb 28, 2020 at 15:11
Final score for this submission (out of 100):

Languages: 14.57
News EN: 0
News RU: 0
Categories EN: 0
Categories RU: 0
Threads EN: 0
Threads RU: 0
Unfortunately, this submission didn't get a high enough score to be evaluated for Top news (task 5).

These data reflect the relative accuracy, precision and speed of the algorithm as compared to the other submissions.
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