



Huge catalog of sticker packs for Telegram for every taste in one application. A large and convenient set of various and unique stickers for their quick and easy search and installation.
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by time


I always wanted such a feature to search for sticker packs! Thank you for making this!
I very much like MiniApps which looks like `native` inside Telegram! This is one of them!

Thank you for the source code!
Great! I was looking for something like this for a long time :)
Good job!
just work on the speed of loading results, and the mini app will be in great demand
This is just a telegram bot, how to open the mini-application? I have a desktop version of Telegram and Windows 10
Eager Snail Oct 30, 2023 at 07:14
The link should open the application, if this does not happen, make sure that you have the latest version of the client.

You can also open the application using the command /catalog in bot
Very lovely app!
I also encountered two issues in Desktop, First one is that: UI is selectable by mouse and ctrl + a, it's better if UI be not selectable to maintain the native-like experience.

The Second issue I had is: I tried liking/disliking multiple packs, It was after some clicks that I found the app is not responding, I inspected further and it's due to a console error caused by the back-end rate limiter

It's better to throttle the actions on the client side too, to prevent console errors.
Telegram Desktop / Windows 11
Eager Snail Oct 30, 2023 at 07:12
Thank you for your feedback. We will solve these problems in the future
I really like. I put +. And I recently participated in app icon) I'm actually an Architect Animated svg kitten 😸 on the page was also done by me. That's why I came up with the idea to make an icon in the form of a skyscraper. It is really possible to design such a building. And I would like to do it for the Telegram office))
Is it ok to use existed bot for contest? Looks like your bot exists for a half-year at least
Eager Snail Oct 30, 2023 at 07:10
Yes, it is not forbidden. This was written about separately
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