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Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Sticker App Contest contest.

Install .ipa files via AltStore

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


by rating


Fair Quokka Nov 11, 2021 at 17:11
Конкурсное задание выполнено как для Android, так и для iOS. Пользователю доступно создание статичных стикеров через выбор медиа из Галереи или съёмку камерой, редактирование изображений, возможность наложить текст.
Продвижению работы на более высокое призовое место могли бы помочь: более богатая функциональность редактора изображений, улучшения дизайна основного экрана и большее внимание к деталям уже внедренных возможностей. Например, в приложении невозможно убрать фон у стикера или выбрать любую другую форму за исключением круга. 

Приз: 1 500 $ (Android 750 $ + iOS 750 $)
iPhone 6S Plus (iOS 14.7); iPhone Xs (iOS 14.7)
Samsung Galaxy S10 (Android 11); Samsung Galaxy A51 (Android 11); Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro (Android 10).
Whe ln I add text , and click on the image after that, it hides text, but it is there in export
Xiaomi redmi note 8 pro, Android q
Bold Spider Jul 5, 2021 at 19:31
Super weird, thanks for reporting!
Trying to add an image from the camera doesn't work (even after granting permission). It also looks like only one emoji per sticker can be added. Additionally, when trying to add an existing image, the app requests permission for the entire storage, while it would be better to use an intent which lets the user pick from their gallery. Finally, exporting to Telegram clients with a non-default package name (e.g. Telegram Beta) doesn't work, even if the intent can be handled by that app.
OnePlus 6, Android 10
(iOS) Makes image into a circle - and this circle is very small by default (a lot of empty space all around), didn't understand I have to manually make it bigger.
iPhone 7, iOS 14.6
Bold Spider Jul 7, 2021 at 21:00
Yes, it is just to avoid cropping randomly. This way at least it shows that it could be cropped. May be it is that good idea anyway
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