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Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the iOS Chart contest.
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Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
by rating
Graphs are too large and take almost all of the screen height.
Lines are rescaled only on tap release when changing time range. Average speed.
Lines are rescaled only on tap release when changing time range. Average speed.
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 12.1
— As mentioned earlier, the graphs size is incorrect.
— The app is slow when scrolling.
— The app supports iOS 11+ only.
— The app is slow when scrolling.
— The app supports iOS 11+ only.
iPhone 6s, iOS 12.0.2

Y-axis animation starts only on touch up. X-axis labels appear/disappear without animation.
iPhone 5s / iOS 12.2
Critical issue: 34 fps during 1st chart scaling on iPhone 6+, 33 fps on iPhone 5S. That's how I scale 1st graph (watch the video). And that's how I measure (look at the screenshot). I do not record the video and measure performance at the same time in order to get objective results. I choose only those fps values which I get during continuous scaling, average ones.
Hi, good work :!
I have small question (I can ask it in most of works, but we already started our conversation 😅).
In most work (including yours) time ends on 11 pm (23.00) of specific day in ANY timezone. Is it right? I think time should respect time zone where user located.
If I’m wrong, I will remove this comment, because it won’t be issue.
I have small question (I can ask it in most of works, but we already started our conversation 😅).
In most work (including yours) time ends on 11 pm (23.00) of specific day in ANY timezone. Is it right? I think time should respect time zone where user located.
If I’m wrong, I will remove this comment, because it won’t be issue.
iPhone XS Max/iOS 12/+7 time zone
Y label animation is not correct, they go not to/from actual positions, but just from top or bottom.
iPhone SE
# All charts
- Value of 130 should definately be slighlty above the 127 line, but it is slighly below in the example (1.PNG). Being accurate with presenting the data is kind of the main point of this whole thing. This has been reported before, this is just another example.
- No arrow on zoom out button (1.PNG).
- The circle of selected point on the chart is too big (1.PNG).
- Lines get clipped around 0 (1.PNG).
- Anamation of range change and max/min change is done in two distinct steps, its easier to do than to animate them both at the same time. (range_animations.MP4, range_animations_2.MP4) The author explains this to be a design choice, I believe it to be not implemented, because its simply harder to do. And this choice leads to poor experience like in range_animations_2.MP4. Sorry to be reporting this like for the 4-th time here.
- No separators above and below chart. (1.PNG) Doing "tableView.separatorStyle = .none" is easy, try hiding separators only where they need to be hidden.
- Value of 130 should definately be slighlty above the 127 line, but it is slighly below in the example (1.PNG). Being accurate with presenting the data is kind of the main point of this whole thing. This has been reported before, this is just another example.
- No arrow on zoom out button (1.PNG).
- The circle of selected point on the chart is too big (1.PNG).
- Lines get clipped around 0 (1.PNG).
- Anamation of range change and max/min change is done in two distinct steps, its easier to do than to animate them both at the same time. (range_animations.MP4, range_animations_2.MP4) The author explains this to be a design choice, I believe it to be not implemented, because its simply harder to do. And this choice leads to poor experience like in range_animations_2.MP4. Sorry to be reporting this like for the 4-th time here.
- No separators above and below chart. (1.PNG) Doing "tableView.separatorStyle = .none" is easy, try hiding separators only where they need to be hidden.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
# Chart 2
- Values could have been rounded a little prettier (2.jpeg). Has been reported, just another example.
- Some Y values are impossible to read because of their color (2.jpeg).
- 1930 is like way below the 1.9k line, which is truly inaccurate (3.jpeg). Another example, but there clearly is a problem, in spite the author trying to talk his way out of it.
- Values could have been rounded a little prettier (2.jpeg). Has been reported, just another example.
- Some Y values are impossible to read because of their color (2.jpeg).
- 1930 is like way below the 1.9k line, which is truly inaccurate (3.jpeg). Another example, but there clearly is a problem, in spite the author trying to talk his way out of it.
iPhone SE / iOS 12
Y axis transition distance always the same, not related to chart difference in scale. It always transits from neighbor line.
iPhone 6s / iOS 12.2
Major issue: there is no y-scaling until you release your finger from the slider. Thus UX is suffering and this contestant gains major advantage in performance over other participants.
More about measuring performance.
CA Profiler is very good at measuring performance in most cases. The only thing you need to do is doing your actions continuously.
Your animations may look smooth enough for you, but if your solution is not performant enough you will see objectively low fps in profiler.
When you use standard drawing techniques you get less bugs and standard performance (not good enough for this contest).
CA Profiler is very good at measuring performance in most cases. The only thing you need to do is doing your actions continuously.
Your animations may look smooth enough for you, but if your solution is not performant enough you will see objectively low fps in profiler.
When you use standard drawing techniques you get less bugs and standard performance (not good enough for this contest).
Long tap is sooo long. Press duration is half sec. You should set minimumPressDuration in 0.2 to improve user experience.
Sometimes I cannot move slider view when it's in small state. I think slider accuracy is important for great user experience.
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